• ADHD coaching is designed for adults (and children) with ADHD to help them understand their strengths, work on key skills such as time management, organisation, can also help work on self-esteem, setting boundaries, understanding your accommodation needs and work towards better understanding your ADHD brain.

  • I offer a free consultation and during this we can discuss payment plans should you need them.

    1 x Session @ £50 for 50 minutes
    6 x Session @ £320 for 60 minute sessions
    10 x Sessions @ £500 for 60 minute sessions

  • Absolutely not!
    If after 6 - 10 sessions you still want more, or feel you would benefit from monthly check ins together, this is 100% something we can discuss together during sessions.

  • I understand the concern. Having ADHD is what makes me a better coach, I have the lived experience as well as the qualifications to be able to offer help and guidance. I understand first hand how you may be struggling and can empathise on a deeper level with you. It will help you feel more comfortable and relaxed knowing that your coach actually gets you

  • I am a qualified adhd coach since I completed my ADHD coach training with Esther Barrett Training in May 2024.

    Plus having lived experience means I am able to understand, empathise and relate to you on a deeper level.

  • I will always be a safe and inclusive space for everyone regardless of gender, sexuality, race, or age. I will do everything I can to ensure you have a space that is freeing, safe and comforting.
    If you have any specific accessibility requirements or any questions about working with me please let me know