Block of 10 session
Sessions are tailored to you and your specific goals, we will work at a pace that suits you.
Sessions can occur once a week or fortnightly.
During these sessions you will uncover your strengths and learn to use these to your advantage.
You will hopefully come away from the end of our sessions with

  • Knowledge on ways to utilise your strengths

  • A greater understanding around your Emotional Regulation

  • Tools for stress reduction

  • Coping strategies for burn out

  • Ability to set more realistic goals

  • Clear ways to set boundaries

  • An acceptance of you and your adhd

  • A better understanding of your values

  • A re-discovery of your self

  • Helpful ways to unmask

Please use the form to let me know your preferred start date, and the message box to let me know any other availability, along with any questions you may have.